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Gallowglass event crew in Edinburgh had the exciting responsibility of providing support to the National Museum Scotland during the setup and installation of the 'Doctor Who Worlds of Wonder' exhibition. This groundbreaking event, running for six months, delved into the science behind the immensely popular television series, Doctor Who, offering fans a unique opportunity to explore the Doctor's adventures from a scientific perspective.

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Within this exhibition, attendees were treated to a captivating array of iconic monsters, gadgets, props, models, sketches, concept artworks, and interactive experiences. It probed the intriguing questions of whether time travel is indeed possible, the enigmatic mysteries of black holes and wormholes, and the potential existence of life on other planets.

Designed across eight distinct zones, each focusing on a diverse range of scientific themes while encompassing content from all the Time Lord's adventures, visitors had the chance to encounter the Doctor's most renowned adversaries, including the menacing Cybermen, the relentless Daleks, and the chilling Weeping Angels, all within the immersive confines of the "monster vault."

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10 local Gallowglass event crew in Edinburgh were instrumental in supporting the 15-day installation and subsequent 15-day derig at the museum. In total, our event crew contributed 1,380 hours of on-site work. Their responsibilities encompassed tasks such as receiving, distributing, and unloading crates containing various props and exhibition materials, ensuring they were placed in their respective areas as per museum requirements. Furthermore, in response to the museum's request, we also deployed personnel with expertise in audiovisual (AV) technology to assist with the installation of AV displays and interactive elements.

Given the historical significance of the museum's building and its valuable contents, as well as the nature of the work involved, all our crew members possessed essential certifications. Each member held a CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) certification and a valid Basic Disclosure Scotland certificate, ensuring that they were qualified and trustworthy for the task at hand.

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