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Making a change in your career can be a daunting and overwhelming prospect. The constraints of working 9-5 and losing passion for your job are amongst some of the highest reasons for experiencing lower levels of job satisfaction.

Considering what other options are open to you is one of the first steps that you have to think about when planning to change your career path.

Take the Plunge and Start A Career as An Events Crew Member

So, for those of you who are thinking about taking the plunge and beginning a career as an events crew member, Gallowglass has compiled a list of the top five things that you need to know.

Your Hours Will Be Varied

One of the first things that you will need to learn to adapt to is the new schedule. Working as events crew for Gallowglass can be as flexible as you would like, as you have the ability to book onto jobs that fit around your schedule and commitments.


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Flexible Zero-Hour Arrangement

The flexible zero-hour agreement means that time off can be taken with just one week's notice. Dependent on the event, the shift patterns will change in order to make sure that the client’s expectations and deadlines are met, which means that although the days can be long, the satisfaction at the end of the project is worthwhile!

You May Need to Adapt to The Physically Demanding Nature of The Job

As a new starter, the onboarding process that the Gallowglass team offers allows you to feel capable of completing all the tasks allocated to you.

When coming from an office job, or one that is less physically challenging than a position as a crew member, you may feel at first as though the job is too demanding on your body. However, with training and practice, you will soon find that your physical and mental strength grows with each job you undertake.

Throughout your time as a member of the Gallowglass team, you will be constantly updated with refresher courses and on-going training. In addition to this, there are plenty of opportunities to undertake external training courses which will provide you with a range of relevant qualifications that can be transferred across into a number of career fields in the future.

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Be Prepared for A Change in Locations

At Gallowglass, we have jobs in different locations across the UK, as well as in Barcelona, so selecting an area that you want to work in couldn’t be easier. That being said, over the course of your time as a member of an events crew team, you should expect to be travelling around to the jobs that you select to work on!

No Job Is Ever the Same

With such a varied list of events that take place over the calendar year, no job is ever the same. One week you could be helping out at a UK festival, or the next week de-rigging a cruise ship in Barcelona!
It is because of the ever-evolving nature of the job that the zero-hour agreement is helpful as, after a couple of weeks of gratifying yet hard work, you may find yourself needing some time to relax.

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High Job Satisfaction

Not many jobs will offer you this flexibility, and this is one of the reasons why the job satisfaction is so high. Having the option to pick and choose the jobs to suit your needs means that you’ll be raring to go at your next event.

With all this in mind, some of the locations that the Gallowglass team have worked at and had access to are places that they will never forget. The memorable nature of the job means that you have the chance to work in a range of venues that members of the public simply can’t view.

Travelling Is All Part of The Exciting Nature of The Job

Whether it’s working behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace or building sets as in-house crew for the BBC, working at new locations and travelling is all part of the exciting nature of the job.

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Your Attitude Matters

Thanks to the hardworking and dedicated team at Gallowglass, the crew that work with us are invited to be involved with some of the highest calibre events. This would not be made possible without the amazing attitude that each person who works for us has. Luckily, the satisfaction gained from completing each job makes it all worthwhile, keeping the spirits of our team upbeat.

Jobs Have Tight Schedules That Need to Be Met

Punctuality and reliability are two qualities that are of the utmost importance for those considering a career in the events industry. Jobs have tight schedules that need to be met, so you have to ensure that you have the ability to be a consistent team member.

Making sure that everything is on track means that you have to be at work and ready to go when you’re scheduled to, just like in any other professional job or role.

Timing, Quality and Skill Are All Vital

The nature of the events industry and taking into consideration the prestige of some of the events that we are set to work on means that timing, quality and skill are all vital parts of the jigsaw that is the events business.

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You’ll Be Able to Do Things You Never Thought Possible

For those who are working as events crew, watching their hard work come together for some of the biggest events in the world is the most satisfying part of the day (or night!).

If you are interested in becoming part of an events crew team, why not join Gallowglass? We have been in the industry for 30 years and have worked for some of the world’s biggest stages! You can apply for one of our event crew jobs in Liverpool or in any of our other locations.

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Chris Parry-Jones

Group Director, Human Resources, Gallowglass Group Posted on 11 Feb 2020
About the author
An expert in employee relations, Chris brought her extensive HR experience to Gallowglass in 2004, after working for several high-profile European organisations. Overseeing the Group’s entire HR function, she is responsible for the recruitment and personal development of its 600+ workforce. A firm believer that nothing happens without sound leadership and bottom-up opportunity, Chris is a champion of training – to ensure that crews are both safe and compliant with legal regulations.
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