Blog Listing - blogListingComponent

GDPR – Trying to make sense of it

If you have been reading my earlier posts on the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you may already suspect that the title of this update is a bit ambitious for a single blog post. Read More

Darren Thorley

Posted on 27 May 2018

GDPR – It’s here! How to Live With It | Gallowglass

It has been a busy few months since we started talking and preparing for GDPR – which is why our blog posts on this subject have dried up a bit of late. Read More

Darren Thorley

Posted on 14 May 2018

GDPR - Getting Started Part 3

In the previous post I mentioned password protecting/encrypting a document or spreadsheet containing personal information. It sounds complicated, but it really isn’t. Read More

Darren Thorley

Posted on 01 Dec 2017

GDPR – Getting Started Part 2

The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are coming in from May 2018 and I’ve spent the last few months coming to grips with its implications for Gallowglass. If you saw my two earlier blogs… Read More

Darren Thorley

Posted on 13 Nov 2017

GDPR – Getting Started Part 1

OK, it’s time to take a deep breath and get this underway!

The key takeaway from the research we’ve done so far is that we need to answer the question “Have I done everything that it is reasonable to e… Read More

Darren Thorley

Posted on 12 Oct 2017


When I first heard about GDPR, my first reaction was “Here we go again, another set of rules that actually don’t impact us but we’ll have to spend time investigating.” I couldn’t have been more wrong!… Read More

Darren Thorley

Posted on 23 Aug 2017
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