Crew App Timesheet Update - textSectionComponent

Crew App Timesheet Update

Next week (14th Feb) we will be adding your timesheet on to the crew app.

This will build up over the month allowing you to check that what we are going to pay you for a shift is correct faster than you can currently.

Eventually, this will replace the timesheet that is emailed to you once a month.

Timesheet info is usually added a few days after the shift has finished.

This is to allow time for you to submit any extra hours, skills, mileage or driver bonus additions by the current methods (be that via the app, text or email – whichever your regional manager has told you to use). For now, you continue to submit extras as you do now within 24 hours of the shift finishing.

Time sheet queries, however, are now to go through the app.

If you are on the crew...

A new notification will appear on your dashboard when you have new entries to review.

New notification Image - imageComponent
You can press - textSectionComponent

You can press the notification to be taken straight to the items review.

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Please check them carefully - textSectionComponent

Please check them carefully.

Each card has a summary of the shift. Press the downward pointing arrow on the bottom right of each shift card to see the detail that makes up the Supps or Supplements which are the CCS, Skills, OOT, Mileage, Driver Bonus and Extras (e.g. PDs)

If everything is in order you can either press the Agree button on each one or you can press the Agree All button in the top right.

If there is an issue you need to press the Query button.

This opens a new page with the time sheet info plus a box where you can type what is wrong.

Query - imageComponent
Send Query - textSectionComponent

When you press Send Query, this sends an email to your regional manager(s) to let them know there is an issue.

The app will display that you have submitted a query.

They should investigate this promptly and make any changes that are required.

They will then mark the issue as Resolved. At this point you will see their response on the app, plus you should get an email.

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Review and Current Timesheet - textSectionComponent

The amounts on the app should update within 24 hours after it has been marked as resolved if a change has been made.

If there is still an issue, please call your Regional Manager to discuss it further.


Submitting Extras is the next big thing we will be working on with the app. This is complicated and will take time.

View Your Current Timesheet

When you click the Timesheet button on the dashboard you are taken to your current timesheet. You can also get there by clicking the Current link at the top of the timesheet page.

On Event - imageComponent
Last Bit - textSectionComponent

This provides a summary at the top so you can see the totals plus a list of cards for all the shifts in the current pay period (the dates for the current period are shown in the summary section) along with their status.

Just like on the review page, you can Agree or Query open items. You can also Agree All if everything is correct.

IMPORTANT NOTE: On the 15th of the month the current timesheet may be empty for a day or two. This is because the timesheet entries will be moved in to the last month section. There will still be entries you need to review. You can see these either by going to the Needs Review section or to the Last Month section.

View Your Timesheet for the last pay period (Last Month)

Just like the Current section, there is a summary for all the entries for the last pay period.

Additions can be made to the last pay period up to the point the month is closed (e.g. the shifts happening on the 13th and 14th of the month).

This is usually finished 2 days after the period end date (i.e. the 17th of the month).

You then have 2 days to inform us of any corrections that need to be made (i.e. the 19th of the month).

There is a little wiggle room here to allow for weekends and bank holidays that interfere with the dates mentioned above.

A “closed” date will be published on the app so you know the date for each month where corrections will no longer be accepted.

Once the closed date is reached any open timesheet entries will be marked as “Closed” and no further adjustments will be accepted – miss it, miss out.

Why do entries you Agree re-open

Whenever a change is made to a timesheet entry by us, the app will re-open the entry for you to agree again.

The item that has changed will be highlighted in the app so you know what has changed.

This is because we wanted to make things as transparent to you as possible.

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We really hope you like the new system!

Request a quote - heroTextBoxComponent
Request a quote
Fill in our quote form and our orders team will email your estimate directly.